datman.exporters module
Functions to export data into different file formats and organizations.
To allow datman to export to a new format make a subclass of SessionExporter or SeriesExporter depending on whether the new format requires data from a complete scan session or a single series, respectively. The new subclass should implement all abstract methods, including ‘export’ which does the actual work of generating outputs.
Also, ensure that subclasses define the ‘type’ attribute to be a short unique key that can be referenced in config files (e.g. ‘nii’).
- class datman.exporters.BidsExporter(config, session, experiment, bids_opts=None, **kwargs)[source]
An exporter that runs dcm2bids.
- export(raw_data_dir, **kwargs)[source]
Exports raw data to the current Exporter’s format.
- Parameters
raw_data_dir (
) – The directory that contains the downloaded raw data.
- needs_raw_data()[source]
Whether raw data must be downloaded for the Exporter.
- Returns
- True if raw data must be given, False otherwise. Note that
False may be returned if outputs already exist.
- Return type
- outputs_exist()[source]
Whether outputs have already been generated for this Exporter.
- Returns
True if all expected outputs exist, False otherwise.
- Return type
- type = 'bids'
- class datman.exporters.DBExporter(config, session, experiment, **kwargs)[source]
Add a datman-style session and its contents to datman’s QC dashboard.
- add_tech_notes(session)[source]
Add the path to a scan session’s tech notes to the database.
- Parameters
session (
) – A valid QC dashboard scan session.
- export(*args, **kwargs)[source]
Exports raw data to the current Exporter’s format.
- Parameters
raw_data_dir (
) – The directory that contains the downloaded raw data.
- get_bids_name(dm_name, session)[source]
Get BIDS style scan name from a datman style nifti.
- Returns
- A valid bids style file name or an empty string if one
cannot be found.
- Return type
- classmethod get_output_dir(session)[source]
Retrieve the exporter’s output dir without needing an instance.
- make_scan(file_stem)[source]
Add a single scan to datman’s QC dashboard.
- Parameters
file_stem (
) – A valid datman-style file name.
- make_session()[source]
Add the current session to datman’s QC database.
- Returns
The created scan session or None.
- Return type
- property names
Gets list of valid datman-style scan names for a session.
- Returns
- A dictionary of datman style scan names mapped to
the bids style name if one can be found, otherwise, an empty string.
- Return type
- needs_raw_data()[source]
Whether raw data must be downloaded for the Exporter.
- Returns
- True if raw data must be given, False otherwise. Note that
False may be returned if outputs already exist.
- Return type
- outputs_exist()[source]
Whether outputs have already been generated for this Exporter.
- Returns
True if all expected outputs exist, False otherwise.
- Return type
- type = 'db'
- class datman.exporters.DcmExporter(output_dir, fname_root, echo_dict=None, dry_run=False, **kwargs)[source]
Export a single dicom from a scan.
- export(raw_data_dir, **kwargs)[source]
Exports raw data to the current Exporter’s format.
- Parameters
raw_data_dir (
) – The directory that contains the downloaded raw data.
- ext = '.dcm'
- type = 'dcm'
- class datman.exporters.Exporter[source]
An abstract base class for all Exporters.
- abstract export(raw_data_dir, **kwargs)[source]
Exports raw data to the current Exporter’s format.
- Parameters
raw_data_dir (
) – The directory that contains the downloaded raw data.
- classmethod get_output_dir(session)[source]
Retrieve the exporter’s output dir without needing an instance.
- make_output_dir()[source]
Creates the directory where the Exporter’s outputs will be stored.
- Returns
True if directory exists (or isn’t needed), False otherwise.
- Return type
- abstract needs_raw_data()[source]
Whether raw data must be downloaded for the Exporter.
- Returns
- True if raw data must be given, False otherwise. Note that
False may be returned if outputs already exist.
- Return type
- abstract outputs_exist()[source]
Whether outputs have already been generated for this Exporter.
- Returns
True if all expected outputs exist, False otherwise.
- Return type
- type = None
- class datman.exporters.NiiExporter(output_dir, fname_root, echo_dict=None, dry_run=False, **kwargs)[source]
Export a series to nifti format with datman-style names.
- export(raw_data_dir, **kwargs)[source]
Exports raw data to the current Exporter’s format.
- Parameters
raw_data_dir (
) – The directory that contains the downloaded raw data.
- ext = '.nii.gz'
- move_file(gen_file)[source]
Move the temp outputs of dcm2niix to the intended output directory.
- Parameters
gen_file (
) – The full path to the generated nifti file to move.
- report_issues(stem, messages)[source]
Write an error log if dcm2niix had errors during conversion.
- Parameters
stem (
) – A valid datman-style file name (minus extension).messages (
) – Error messages to write.
- type = 'nii'
- class datman.exporters.NiiLinkExporter(config, session, experiment, **kwargs)[source]
Populates a study’s nii folder with symlinks pointing to the bids dir.
- belongs_to_session(nifti_path)[source]
Check if a nifti belongs to this repeat or another for this session.
- clear_errors(dm_file)[source]
Remove an error file from a previous BIDs export issue.
- Parameters
dm_file (
) – A valid datman file name.
- export(*args, **kwargs)[source]
Exports raw data to the current Exporter’s format.
- Parameters
raw_data_dir (
) – The directory that contains the downloaded raw data.
- ext = '.nii.gz'
- get_bids_niftis()[source]
Get all nifti files from a BIDS session.
- Returns
- A list of full paths (minus the file extension) to
each bids format nifti file in the session.
- Return type
- get_dm_names()[source]
Get the datman-style scan names for an entire XNAT experiment.
- Returns
- A list of datman-style names for all scans found
for the session on XNAT.
- Return type
- classmethod get_output_dir(session)[source]
Retrieve the exporter’s output dir without needing an instance.
- get_series_num(side_car)[source]
Find the correct series number for a scan.
Most JSON side car files have the correct series number already. However, series that are split during nifti conversion (e.g. FMAP-AP/-PA) end up with one of the two JSON files having a modified series number. This function will default to the XNAT series number whenever possible, for accuracy.
- make_link(dm_file, bids_file)[source]
Create a symlink in the datman style that points to a bids file.
- match_dm_to_bids(dm_names, bids_names)[source]
Match each datman file name to its BIDS equivalent.
- Parameters
- Returns
- A dictionary matching the intended datman file name to
the full path (minus extension) of the same series in the bids folder. If no matching bids file was found, it will instead be matched to the string ‘missing’.
- Return type
- needs_raw_data()[source]
Whether raw data must be downloaded for the Exporter.
- Returns
- True if raw data must be given, False otherwise. Note that
False may be returned if outputs already exist.
- Return type
- outputs_exist()[source]
Whether outputs have already been generated for this Exporter.
- Returns
True if all expected outputs exist, False otherwise.
- Return type
- report_errors(dm_file)[source]
Create an error file to report probable BIDS conversion issues.
- Parameters
dm_file (
) – A valid datman file name.
- type = 'nii_link'
- class datman.exporters.SeriesExporter(output_dir, fname_root, echo_dict=None, dry_run=False, **kwargs)[source]
A base class for exporters that take a single series as input.
- ext = None
- class datman.exporters.SessionExporter(config, session, experiment, dry_run=False, **kwargs)[source]
A base class for exporters that take an entire session as input.
Subclasses should override __init__ (without changing basic input args) and call super().__init__(config, session, experiment, **kwargs).
The init function for SessionExporter largely exists to define expected input arguments and set some universally needed attributes.